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    « Get Garlicky Kisses by Eating Roasted Garlic, Gruyere and Rosemary Pizza | Main | Curried Onion & Spinach Pizzas and Why Curry Doesn't Suck »

    September 15, 2010


    Oh....My.....God!!!! This looks AMAZING!

    This does look amazing. Love Gruyere in this!!

    Dagnabit, I forgot the potluck AGAIN. One of these days I will be there.

    Candace & Alison - thank you so much!

    I've been missing in action quite a bit from our local potlucks but I'm going to try to be more of a regular from now on. I'd love to see you there!

    Ok, I have a standing request for this for when I come visit. Haha!

    I grew up in east TN and I know all about those spider-like camel crickets. They are terrifying! I remember being a kid, sitting on the floor watching tv late at night when, out of the corner of my eye, I'd spy a creepy cricket crawling steathily nearby. Typically, I would jump up and scream, sending the cricket into a wild springing frenzy. I still have nightmares.

    Love the casserole!

    When I saw this in my feed reader, I thought, "that looks an awful lot like that squash and potato casserole I posted on Slashfood so many years ago." I click over to find that it is! I love that you discovered it. It's still one of my favorites (and makes an amazing Thanksgiving dish, if you can bear breaking with the tradition of mashed potatoes).

    @Joy - you know I'd make this for you anytime. :)

    @Jennifer - they're creepy as hell, aren't they? I tease my husband unmercifully about his aversion to them but they creep me out as well.

    Marisa - I actually saved it when I first saw it posted because it looked so delicious. It was a complete hit at our potluck. And thank you for featuring my tomatoes on your site!

    Girl, it's been too long since I've been traipsing around your blog and you've been eating well! Love your story about Marcus and the crickets, and this recipe looks amazing (although we're not quite in fall mode here in CA yet)). Happy weekend!

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